SurveyJS v1.9.85
Released: April 25, 2023
SurveyJS v1.9.85 features date pickers for date range selection in Survey Creator and includes several bug fixes.
Date pickers for date range selection
Survey Creator v1.9.85 displays date picker controls to select a date range for Single-Line Input questions with a Date or Date and Time input type.

Bug Fixes
Form Library
- Numeric choices are sorted as strings, not as numbers (#6062)
choicesLazyLoadEnabled: true
ignoresstoreOthersAsComment: false
Survey Creator
- Question adorners overflow their container (#4041)
- Survey Localization - The Logic Rule editor displays default question choice texts instead of localized texts (#4018)
- Multi-Select Matrix: Select-based, Boolean and Rating cell types do not allow in-cell editing (#4033)
- The
method clears all elements except the header (#326)