release notes

SurveyJS v2.0.0

Released: March 7, 2025

SurveyJS v2.0.0 summarizes the work that's been done by the SurveyJS team over the past year.

New Features

A major update of the SurveyJS product line, SurveyJS v2.0.0 presents a number of new features, such as native support for ES modules, dynamic Survey Creator appearance customization, a redesigned Property Grid, interactive UI animations, the ability to zoom in/out and expand/collapse form elements on the design surface, input masking, new dashboard data visualizers, and many more. Refer to the following page for all information on those and other features released in this update:

Major Updates 2024

How to Upgrade to SurveyJS v2.0

To migrate your application to SurveyJS v2.0.0, install the following npm packages or replace old source links with the new links:

npm i survey-core@2.0.0 survey-angular-ui@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-creator-core@2.0.0 survey-creator-angular@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-analytics@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-pdf@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-core@2.0.0 survey-react-ui@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-creator-core@2.0.0 survey-creator-react@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-analytics@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-pdf@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-core@2.0.0 survey-vue3-ui@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-creator-core@2.0.0 survey-creator-vue@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-analytics@2.0.0 --save
npm i survey-pdf@2.0.0 --save
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

After that, you need to get acquainted with breaking changes made in SurveyJS v2.0.0 and update your code as described.

Breaking Changes

Vue 2 is no longer supported

Vue.js development team ended support for Vue 2 on December 31st, 2023. Following this decision, SurveyJS team also stops supporting Vue 2 in the SurveyJS v2.0.0 release. Follow the instructions below to migrate your Vue 2 applications:

Form Library for Vue 2
  1. Migrate your Vue 2 application to Vue 3 according to the Migration Guide.

  2. Uninstall SurveyJS Form Library packages for Vue 2:

    npm uninstall survey-core survey-vue-ui
  3. Refer to the following help topic for information on how to add Form Library to a Vue 3 application:

Vue.js Form Library

Survey Creator for Vue 2
  1. Migrate your Vue 2 application to Vue 3 according to the Migration Guide.

  2. Uninstall Survey Creator packages for Vue 2:

    npm uninstall survey-core survey-knockout-ui
    npm uninstall survey-creator-core survey-creator-knockout
  3. Refer to the following help topic for information on how to add Survey Creator to a Vue 3 application:

Form Builder for Vue.js

SurveyJS Dashboard and PDF Generator don't need to be migrated because they do not implement native rendering.

jQuery and Knockout bundles are replaced with a vanilla JS bundle

Knockout was one of the first libraries that facilitated the separation of the markup and the underlying JavaScript code. However, according to different sources, Knockout usage percentage has steadily declined and now stands at approximately 0.1% of all websites. In contrast, jQuery is still a very popular library. However, SurveyJS Form Library supported jQuery via a wrapper over the Knockout version, while Survey Creator didn't have a dedicated jQuery bundle at all.

Starting with SurveyJS v2.0, we recommend using a new, lightweight vanilla JS bundle instead of the Knockout and jQuery bundles. Update code in your applications as shown below:

Form Library for jQuery
<!-- Previously -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="surveyElement"></div>

    const surveyJson = { /* ... */ };
    const survey = new Survey.Model(surveyJson);

    $(function() {
      $("#surveyElement").Survey({ model: survey });
<!-- Now -->
  <!-- ... -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- ... -->
  <div id="surveyElement"></div>

    const surveyJson = { /* ... */ };
    const survey = new Survey.Model(surveyJson);

Form Library for Knockout
<!-- Previously -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <div id="surveyElement">
    <survey params="survey: model"></survey>

    const surveyJson = { /* ... */ };
    const survey = new Survey.Model(surveyJson);

      model: survey
    }, document.getElementById("surveyElement"));
<!-- Now -->
  <!-- ... -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- ... -->
  <div id="surveyElement"></div>

    const surveyJson = { /* ... */ };
    const survey = new Survey.Model(surveyJson);

Survey Creator for jQuery and Knockout
<!-- Previously -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
<!-- Now -->
  <!-- ... -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- ... -->

Survey Creator

Property Grid uses a different navigation mode by default

In Survey Creator v2.0.0, the Property Grid displays only one selected category at a time, allowing users to focus on the category's contents.

Survey Creator: Redesigned Property Grid

Previously, the Property Grid displayed all categories that users could expand and collapse to access nested settings. If you want to revert to this navigation mode, set the propertyGridNavigationMode property to "accordion":

import { SurveyCreatorModel } from "survey-creator-core";

const creatorOptions = {
  propertyGridNavigationMode: "accordion"
const creator = new SurveyCreatorModel(creatorOptions);

View Demo

Logic tab is available by default

The Logic tab allows survey authors to manage survey flow by configuring logical conditions. Because this functionality is frequently used, we made the Logic tab available by default. If you want to hide it, disable the showLogicTab property before instantiating Survey Creator:

import { SurveyCreatorModel } from "survey-creator-core";

const creatorOptions = {
  showLogicTab: false
const creator = new SurveyCreatorModel(creatorOptions);

Theme Editor: Predefined survey themes need to be registered

In previous versions, survey themes were added to Survey Creator even if Theme Editor wasn't enabled, unnecessarily increasing the bundle size. This happened because Survey Creator contained code that addressed theme objects to register them. To optimize SurveyJS code for tree shaking and reduce the bundle size, we remove this code from Survey Creator v2.0.0. Now, you need to register survey themes using the code below:

// In modular applications
import SurveyTheme from "survey-core/themes"; // An object that contains all theme configurations
import { registerSurveyTheme } from "survey-creator-core";

<!-- In classic script applications -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- ... -->

This breaking change affects your application if you self-host Survey Creator with enabled Theme Editor and want users to select from predefined survey themes. Applications that use only custom themes in Theme Editor do not need to be updated.

Advanced Header is enabled by default

A survey header supports basic and advanced header views. Basic view allows users to specify and configure a logo and has practically the same unchangeable appearance. With advanced view, users can design unique, visually appealing headers that align with their brand's identity.

In this release, the advanced header view becomes default for new surveys. Since advanced header settings are located in the Themes tab, you need to enable Theme Editor to take full advantage of this functionality. However, this isn't a requirement—if the basic header suits your users well, they will receive the same capabilities (that is, logo configuration) with the new default, but the settings will be applied to the advanced header, producing a different appearance.

If you want to revert to the basic header in full, override the default survey JSON schema:

// In modular applications
import { settings } from "survey-creator-core";

settings.defaultNewSurveyJSON = {
  "headerView": "basic",
  "logoPosition": "right"
// In classic script applications
SurveyCreatorCore.settings.defaultNewSurveyJSON = {
  "headerView": "basic",
  "logoPosition": "right"

Obsolete Survey Creator API

SurveyCreatorModel properties
Obsolete property New property
maximumChoicesCount maxChoices
maximumColumnsCount maxColumns
maximumRateValues maxRateValues
maximumRowsCount maxRows
maxLogicItemsInCondition logicMaxItemsInCondition
minimumChoicesCount minChoices
showDefaultLanguageInPreviewTab previewAllowSelectLanguage
showInvisibleElementsInPreviewTab previewAllowHiddenElements
showObjectTitles useElementTitles
showPagesInPreviewTab previewAllowSelectPage
showSimulatorInPreviewTab previewAllowSimulateDevices
showTitlesInExpressions useElementTitles
themeForPreview previewTheme
SurveyCreatorModel methods
Obsolete method New method
addPluginTab() addTab(tabOptions)
fastCopyQuestion() copyQuestion()
makeNewViewActive() switchTab()
SurveyCreatorModel events
Obsolete event New event
onConditionQuestionsGetList onConditionGetQuestionList
onDefineElementMenuItems onElementGetActions
onDesignerSurveyCreated onSurveyInstanceCreated
onGetObjectDisplayName onElementGetDisplayName
onGetPropertyReadOnly onPropertyGetReadOnly
onLogicItemDisplayText onLogicRuleGetDisplayText
onPreviewSurveyCreated onSurveyInstanceCreated
onPropertyGridShowModal onPropertyGridShowPopup
onPropertyGridSurveyCreated onSurveyInstanceCreated
onPropertyValidationCustomError onPropertyDisplayCustomError
onPropertyValueChanging onBeforePropertyChanged
onSelectedElementChanged onElementSelected
onSelectedElementChanging onElementSelecting
onSetPropertyEditorOptions onConfigureTablePropertyEditor
onShowingProperty onPropertyShowing
onSurveyPropertyValueChanged onAfterPropertyChanged
ICreatorOptions properties
Obsolete property New property
allowChangeThemeInPreview previewAllowSelectTheme
allowEditExpressionsInTextEditor logicAllowTextEditExpressions
isAutoSave autoSaveEnabled
maximumChoicesCount maxChoices
maximumColumnsCount maxColumns
maximumRateValues maxRateValues
maximumRowsCount maxRows
maxLogicItemsInCondition logicMaxItemsInCondition
minimumChoicesCount minChoices
showDefaultLanguageInPreviewTab previewAllowSelectLanguage
showInvisibleElementsInPreviewTab previewAllowHiddenElements
showObjectTitles useElementTitles
showPagesInPreviewTab previewAllowSelectPage
showSimulatorInPreviewTab previewAllowSimulateDevices
showSurveyTitle showSurveyHeader
showTitlesInExpressions useElementTitles
themeForPreview previewTheme

Obsolete API names will continue to work until further notice. However, we urge you to migrate your code to the new names to make sure that future updates won't break it.

Form Library

Style sheet is renamed

Previously, the main Form Library style sheet was named defaultV2[.min].css. This name was inherited from older releases, when Form Library included multiple style sheets. Now, the survey-core package includes only one style sheet and its name is survey-core[.min].css. This style sheet contains the Default UI theme, as before.

To migrate your application, update your code as follows:

Modular applications
// Previously
// import "survey-core/defaultV2.min.css";
// Now
import "survey-core/survey-core.min.css";
Classic script applications
<!-- Previously -->
<!-- <link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> -->
<!-- Now -->
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

Obsolete Bootstrap support and UI themes are removed

The following obsolete SurveyJS Form Library themes are no longer supported:

  • "modern"
  • "default"
  • "orange"
  • "darkblue"
  • "darkrose"
  • "stone"
  • "winter"
  • "winterstone"
  • Bootstrap integration themes

The StylesManager object used to manage those themes is also removed. Please migrate to one of the current themes.

API for integration with SurveyJS Demo Service is removed

In previous versions, SurveyJS Form Library included API properties, methods, and events that allowed you to integrate it with SurveyJS Demo Service. Those API members are listed below:


  • surveyId
  • surveyPostId
  • clientId
  • surveyShowDataSaving
  • sendResult()
  • getResult()
  • loadSurveyFromService()
  • onSendResult
  • onGetResult
  • onLoadedSurveyFromService

Global Settings

  • settings.web.surveyServiceUrl
  • settings.surveyServiceUrl

SurveyJS v2.0.0 has those API members removed. This change was needed to maintain security across SurveyJS products since the link to the external service in our source code was a point of concern for some of our customers.

You can continue using SurveyJS Demo Service with a self-hosted Form Library without those API members. To do this, implement functions that query SurveyJS servers for survey JSON schemas and survey results. Refer to the following demos for more information:

Form Library: Load a Survey from SurveyJS Demo Service

Survey Creator: Load a Survey from SurveyJS Demo Service

Dashboard: Visualize Survey Data from SurveyJS Demo Service

Please be advised not to use SurveyJS Demo Service in production code. Since its main purpose is to demonstrate what you can build with SurveyJS products, the demo service guarantees neither 24/7 uptime nor full data retention. For your real-world application, we strongly recommend storing survey results and JSON schemas in your own database.

Question numbering is disabled by default

In SurveyJS Form Library v2.0.0, question numbers are hidden by default. To show them, enable the showQuestionNumbers property within your survey JSON schema or in a survey instance:

import { Model } from "survey-core";

// Option 1: Enable question numbering in a survey JSON schema
const surveyJson = {
  "showQuestionNumbers": true

const survey = new Model(surveyJson);
// Option 2: Enable question numbering in a survey instance
survey.showQuestionNumbers = true;

Logo sizes in the survey header are changed

Previously, a logo in the survey header was 300 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height. To make the logo more compact and easily manageable, we changed the default height to 40 pixels and width to "auto". As a result, the logo width is calculated automatically based on the specified logo height and its aspect ratio.

If you want to revert to previous default values for logo sizes, use the following code:

// In modular applications:
import { Serializer } from "survey-core";
Serializer.getProperty("survey", "logoWidth").defaultValue = 300;
Serializer.getProperty("survey", "logoHeight").defaultValue = 200;
// In classic script applications:
Survey.Serializer.getProperty("survey", "logoWidth").defaultValue = 300;
Survey.Serializer.getProperty("survey", "logoHeight").defaultValue = 200;

Radio buttons and checkboxes are laid out in multiple columns differently

In previous SurveyJS versions, radio buttons and checkboxes were laid out row by row, producing the following result:

SurveyJS Form Library: Multi-column item layout (previous)

In SurveyJS v2.0.0, the items are laid out column by column:

SurveyJS Form Library: Multi-column item layout (current)

This change was made to enable a more natural layout by default. If you want to revert it, set the itemFlowDirection property to "row" in global settings:

import { settings } from "survey-core";

settings.itemFlowDirection = "row"; // Lay out items row by row

Image Picker: Images occupy all available space

An Image Picker question allows users to select one or several images from a predefined set. In previous releases, image sizes were capped at 400 pixels in width and 266 pixels in height by default. Those limits led to unoccupied space appearing at the side or between images in surveys with large width:

SurveyJS Form Library: Image Picker with unused space

To get rid of the empty space and achieve a more visually appealing layout, we raise the limits on image height and width up to 3000 pixels. As a result, images are now scaled to occupy all available space:

SurveyJS Form Library: Image Picker occupying all available space

If you want to revert to the previous limits, set the maxImageWidth property to 400 and the maxImageHeight property to 266 for individual Image Picker questions in your survey JSON schemas:

  "elements": [
      "type": "imagepicker",
      "name": "animals",
      "title": "Which animals would you like to see in real life?",
      "choices": [
        // ...
      "maxImageWidth": 400,
      "maxImageHeight": 266

Alternatively, you can override default values for those properties in Serializer, as shown below. In this case, the new default values will apply to all survey JSON schemas running in your application.

// In modular applications:
import { Serializer } from "survey-core";
Serializer.getProperty("imagepicker", "maxImageWidth").defaultValue = 400;
Serializer.getProperty("imagepicker", "maxImageHeight").defaultValue = 266;
// In classic script applications:
Survey.Serializer.getProperty("imagepicker", "maxImageWidth").defaultValue = 400;
Survey.Serializer.getProperty("imagepicker", "maxImageHeight").defaultValue = 266;

Removed Form Library API

Class Removed API member New API member
SurveyModel clientId No (breaking change)
surveyId No (breaking change)
surveyPostId No (breaking change)
surveyShowDataSaving No (breaking change)
getResult() No (breaking change)
loadSurveyFromService() No (breaking change)
sendResult() No (breaking change)
onGetResult No (breaking change)
onLoadedSurveyFromService No (breaking change)
onSendResult No (breaking change)
Global settings showModal() showDialog()
web.surveyServiceUrl No (breaking change)
surveyServiceUrl No (breaking change)

Removed API no longer works. Please ensure that your code doesn't use it.

Obsolete Form Library API

SurveyModel properties
Obsolete property New property
allowCompleteSurveyAutomatic autoAdvanceAllowComplete
clearValueOnDisableItems clearDisabledChoices
firstPageIsStarted firstPageIsStartPage
focusFirstQuestionAutomatic autoFocusFirstQuestion
focusOnFirstError autoFocusFirstError
goNextPageAutomatic autoAdvanceEnabled
headerView ITheme.headerView
ignoreValidation validationEnabled
isShowStartingPage isStartPageActive
lazyRendering lazyRenderEnabled
maxOthersLength maxCommentLength
maxTimeToFinish timeLimit
maxTimeToFinishPage timeLimitPerPage
mode readOnly
questionsOrder questionOrder
requiredText requiredMark
sendResultOnPageNext partialSend
showCompletedPage showCompletePage
showTimerPanel showTimer + timerLocation
showTimerPanelMode timerInfoMode
startedPage startPage
SurveyModel methods
Obsolete method New method
completeLastPage() tryComplete()
SurveyModel events
Obsolete event New event
onDynamicPanelItemValueChanged onDynamicPanelValueChanged
onErrorCustomText onValidateQuestion, onValidatePanel, or onValidatePage
onGetQuestionNo onGetQuestionNumber
onIsAnswerCorrect onCheckAnswerCorrect
onLoadChoicesFromServer onChoicesLoaded
onMatrixAfterCellRender onAfterRenderMatrixCell
onMatrixAllowRemoveRow onMatrixRenderRemoveButton
onMatrixBeforeRowAdded onMatrixRowAdding
onProcessTextValue onProcessDynamicText
onProgressText onGetProgressText
onScrollingElementToTop onScrollToTop
onSettingQuestionErrors onValidateQuestion
onTimer onTimerTick
onValidatedErrorsOnCurrentPage onValidatePage
PageModel properties
Obsolete property New property
maxTimeToFinish timeLimit
navigationButtonsVisibility showNavigationButtons
questionsOrder questionOrder
requiredText requiredMark
PanelModel properties
Obsolete property New property
questionsOrder questionOrder
requiredText requiredMark
Question properties (apply to all question types)
Obsolete API member New API member
hideNumber showNumber
requiredText requiredMark
Individual class API members
Class Obsolete property New property
QuestionTextModel size inputSize
QuestionRadiogroupModel showClearButton allowClear
QuestionBooleanModel label inputSize
QuestionMultipleTextModel itemSize inputSize
MultipleTextItemModel size inputSize
QuestionMatrixModel isAllRowRequired eachRowRequired
rowsOrder rowOrder
QuestionMatrixDropdownModel columnLayout transposeData
isUniqueCaseSensitive useCaseSensitiveComparison
QuestionMatrixDynamicModel addRowLocation addRowButtonLocation
allowRowsDragAndDrop allowRowReorder
columnLayout transposeData
defaultValueFromLastRow copyDefaultValueFromLastEntry
emptyRowsText noRowsText
isUniqueCaseSensitive useCaseSensitiveComparison
QuestionPanelDynamicModel defaultValueFromLastPanel copyDefaultValueFromLastEntry
panelAddText addPanelText
panelNextText nextPanelText
panelPrevText prevPanelText
panelRemoveButtonLocation removePanelButtonLocation
panelRemoveText removePanelText
renderMode displayMode
showRangeInProgress showProgressBar
templateTitleLocation templateQuestionTitleLocation
addPanelUI() addPanel(undefined, true)
removePanelUI(value) removePanel(value, true)
removePanelUI(value) removePanel(value, true)
SvgRegistry registerIconFromSvg() registerIcon()
Global settings showItemsInOrder itemFlowDirection

Obsolete API names will continue to work until further notice. However, we urge you to migrate your code to the new names to make sure that future updates won't break it.


Table View: Dependencies upgrade

Table View depends on the following third-party libraries for rendering tables and exporting them to PDF documents. In this release, we increase the lowest supported versions of these libraries:

To update modular applications, install newer versions of the jspdf and jspdf-autotable npm packages, as shown below. Tabulator will upgrade automatically when you install a newer survey-analytics package version.

npm i jspdf@2.4.0 --save
npm i jspdf-autotable@3.5.20 --save

In classic script applications, replace the source links:

<!-- Previously -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- Now -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Table View: Register jsPDF and SheetJS without polluting the window object

Previously, Table View required jsPDF and SheetJS in the global window object. SurveyJS v2.0.0 introduces a way to register these dependencies without adding them to window. Import a jsPDF instance and apply the jsPDF-AutoTable plugin to it, then import SheetJS, and pass both the jsPDF and SheetJS instances to the Tabulator constructor:

import jsPDF from "jspdf";
import { applyPlugin } from "jspdf-autotable";

import * as XLSX from "xlsx";

const tabulator = new Tabulator(
  { jspdf: jsPDF, xlsx: XLSX }

This registration method works only in modular applications.

To update your application, remove the following scripts from the index.html file:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

If you added jsPDF and SheetJS to the window object in JavaScript code, remove these code lines:

// window.jsPDF = jsPDF;
// window.XLSX = XLSX;

Obsolete Dashboard API

Class Obsolete API member New API member
VisualizationPanel onVisibleElementsChanged onElementShown, onElementHidden, or onElementMoved
IVisualizationPanelOptions allowChangeAnswersOrder allowSortAnswers
VisualizerBase data surveyData
VisualizerBase getData() getCalculatedValues()
VisualizationManager unregisterVisualizerForAll() unregisterVisualizer()

Obsolete API names will continue to work until further notice. However, we urge you to migrate your code to the new names to make sure that future updates won't break it.

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We use cookies on our site to make your browsing experience more convenient and personal. In some cases, they are essential to making the site work properly. By clicking "Accept All", you consent to the use of all cookies in accordance with our Terms of Use & Privacy Statement. However, you may visit "Cookie settings" to provide a controlled consent.

Your renewal subscription expires soon.

Since the license is perpetual, you will still have permanent access to the product versions released within the first 12 month of the original purchase date.

If you wish to continue receiving technical support from our Help Desk specialists and maintain access to the latest product updates, make sure to renew your subscription by clicking the "Renew" button below.

Your renewal subscription has expired.

Since the license is perpetual, you will still have permanent access to the product versions released within the first 12 month of the original purchase date.

If you wish to continue receiving technical support from our Help Desk specialists and maintain access to the latest product updates, make sure to renew your subscription by clicking the "Renew" button below.